Emergency Clothing Bank
Although clothing banks already exist in Lancaster, there is sometimes a delay between when a specific clothing need develops and when it can be met. A social worker at Union Community Care told us about a time when a client came into an appointment with no shoes. Though the social worker would be able to eventually get that client to a clothing bank to get shoes, the inability to meet that most basic need immediately prolongs the client’s ordeal and drains the morale of the care providers.
PRC collects clothing and shoes to supply in-office emergency clothing banks so that the social workers can immediately hand out necessities. This gives them time to connect the patient into other services for longer-term assistance. We curate the list of items to account for seasonal changes and different sizes while keeping the total amount of necessary storage space in the case worker’s office to a minimum.
We are accepting new and gently used, clean items. Please click here to see the current list of needs. Due to space limitations, we cannot accept items not on the list. If you have more clothing to donate, please consider donating to the clothing banks at Landisville Mennonite Church and Lancaster Food Hub.
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Supplies are housed at some Union Community Care offices and distributed by Union social workers to patients at their appointments. Currently, these items are not available to the general public. Other clothing banks are available at Landisville Mennonite Church and Lancaster Food Hub.