Godly Play Resources
Godly Play Resources by Topic
Old Testament (in Biblical order)
- Creation
- Garden
- Cain and Abel
- Noah’s Ark
- Abraham & Sarah
- The Great Family (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah)
- Lot’s Choice
- Birth of Isaac
- Jacob and Esau
- Jacob’s Dream
- Jacob Returns to Esau
- Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors
- Joseph in Egypt
- Ark, Tent, Temple, House of God
- Moses’ Birth
- Burning Bush
- The Ten Plagues
- Moses’ Helpers
- Exodus
- Manna and Water
- Ten Best Ways (Ten Commandments)
- The Twelve Spies
- Promised Land
- Ruth
- Samuel/Hannah
- Elisha & the Room
- Exile & Return
- David the Shepherd
- David & Goliath
- David is Anointed by Samuel
- David Helps Mephibosheth
- David & Jonathan
- David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem
- Daniel
- Jonah
- The Prophets

New Testament (in Biblical order)
- Advent Stories
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Birth of Jesus
Mary’s Bedroll
Visit of the Wise Men
Baby Jesus Is Presented to God
Boy Jesus in Temple
Jesus is Baptized
Jesus Chooses 12 Disciples
Calming the Storm
Jesus Walks on Water
Feeding the 5,000
Gift of the Poor Widow
Jesus & Bartimaeus
Jesus and the Children
Jesus and the Paralytic
Mary & Martha
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Jesus Heals 10 Lepers
Jesus Heals Two Daughters
Jesus in the Wilderness
Lord’s Prayer
Parable of the Clever Manager
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Parable of the Good Shepherd
Parable of the Good Shepherd/Good Shepherd & Wolf
Parable of the Great Banquet
Parable of the Leaven
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Parable of the Sower
Parable of the Vineyard Workers
Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
Lenten Puzzle Bag
Jesus is King
The Good Shepherd & Lord’s Supper
Jesus’ Last Supper
Jesus’ Last Passover
Jesus is Risen: Appearance to Mary Magdalene
Jesus Appears to the Disciples & Thomas
Jesus is Risen: Road to Emmaus
Jesus Appears to the Disciples by the Sea
God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit
John, Follower of Jesus, Throughout the World
Saul Meets Jesus/Ananias Meets Saul
Paul and Barnabas/Paul Escapes from Damascus
Paul and Silas in Prison
Lydia Learns about Jesus
Paul Meets Priscilla and Aquila
Paul’s Shipwreck
Peter Heals a Lame Man
Philip Teaches an Ethiopian Stranger
- St. Nicholas (December 6)
Extra Props
- Books of the Bible
- House Backdrop
- Jerusalem Backdrop
- Palace Backdrop
- Palestinian House w/Stairs
- Peter’s House w/Removable Roof
- Temple
- Tomb & Stone
- Desert Box
- Extra Story Figures
Godly Play Resources by Volume/Series
Godly Play Volume 2
- Creation
- Noah’s Ark
- Exodus
- Ten Best Ways
- The Ark & the Tent, The Temple, A House for God
- Exile and Return
Godly Play Volume 3
- Advent 1
- Advent 2
- Advent 3
- Parable of the Good Shepherd (Parable of the Good Shepherd & the Lord’s Supper)
- Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Parable of the Great Pearl
- Parable of the Sower
- Parable of the Leaven
- Parable of the Mustard Seed

Godly Play Volume 4
- Good Shepherd & Lord’s Supper
Godly Play Volume 6
- Ruth
Godly Play Volume 7
- St. Nicholas
Young Children in Worship
- Abraham & Sarah
- Promised Land
Advent & Christmas:
- Boy Jesus in the Temple
- Jesus is Baptized
- Jesus in the Wilderness
- Lenten Puzzle
- Jesus & the Children
- Jesus & Bartimaeus
- Jesus & Zacchaeus
- Jesus is King
- Jesus Last Supper
- Jesus is Risen: Appearance to Mary Magdalene
- Jesus is Risen: Road to Emmaus
- Good Shepherd and Good Shepherd & the Wolf
- Ascension
- Pentecost/Jesus’ Last Passover
Following Jesus
- Baby Jesus Is Presented to God
- Jesus and the Paralytic
- Jesus Heals Two Daughters (2)
- Feeding the 5,000 (2)
- Gift of the Poor Widow
- Jesus Appears to the Disciples & Thomas (2)
- Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the World:
- God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit (2)
- Peter Heals a Lame Man
Leading Children in Worship Book 1
- Garden
- Ruth
- Samuel/Hannah
- David Story Box
- Elisha and the Room
- Feeding the 5,000 (2)
- Calming the Storm
Book of Acts:
- Philip Teaches a Stranger
- Peter’s Dream (Peter and Cornelius)
- Saul Believes in Jesus (Saul Meets Jesus/Ananias Meets Saul)
- Paul and Barnabas (Paul and Barnabas/Paul Escapes from Damascus)
- Lydia Learns About Jesus
- Paul’s Shipwreck
Leading Children in Worship Book 2
- Burning Bush
- Manna and Water
- Moses’ Helpers
- The Ten Plagues
- The Twelve Spies
- Mary Visits Elizabeth
- Christmas
- Jesus’ First Miracle
- Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law
- Jesus Walks on Water
- Jesus Heals a Paralytic
- Jesus Heals Ten Men
- Lost Coin
- Lost Son
- Mary and Martha
- Mary’s Bedroll
Prayer Series:
- The Lord’s Prayer
Book of Acts:
- Paul and Silas in Prison