October 7, 2019
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Do you want to see your youth grow up healthy in God and robust in love? Learn strategies to relate to youth culture so you can serve and equip young people.
Youth culture has changed drastically since most youth workers were teens. Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, changing how today’s young people interact and communicate. But youth are also experiencing increased rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide. Perhaps now more than ever, the church needs to minister to and support its young people.
This is a WORKshop. We will engage in discussion and brainstorm practical solutions to real issues that attendees bring.
Rev. Dr. Don Hackett serves as pastor at Centre Presbyterian Church. He focused on youth ministry for his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Seminary and has served in several churches as youth pastor. Hackett sees many everyday activities as faith-building practices, including baking bread, walking with his wife, and photographing nature.
Venue: Parish Resource Center